Annelies van der Heijden

  • Country of Residence: Netherlands
  • Speciality: Interest in health care, prevention of aftercare, prison if ever possible
  • Accredited to facilitate: Building Balanced Empathy, Unlocking Your Potential
  • Languages: Dutch and English

Annelies is a registered FPMT teacher and accredited FDCW facilitator based in the Netherlands. She offers courses in the Netherlands and beyond in Dutch and English

From Annelies

Starting out as a dietitian, I expanded my interest in health, body and mind care, with trainings as yoga teacher and as shiatsu therapist. Alongside my interest, understanding and connection with Tibetan Buddhism grew enriched and inspired by many teachings and retreats with Lama Zopa Rinpoche and other great teachers. Apart from the more traditional ways of teaching, I have engaged with western mindfulness application like MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction). I followed the 8-week programme and was trained as a mindfulness teacher. I also joined the online CCT (Compassionate Culture Training) of Stanford University.

As a registered FPMT teacher, my interest is still inspired and nourished by both traditional teachings as well as secular approaches. BBE creates a wonderful opportunity to combine my personal knowledge and experiences with eastern and western valid mind-based concepts and its deep insights offered in a modern 21th century educational way which is rich, engaging, joyful and attractive for both participants and the facilitator. In this way I feel I honor my main teacher Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Lama Yeshe’s wishes for universal education.