Christian Muecke

  • Country of Residence: Austria
  • Speciality:  Education, mindfulness training
  • Accredited to facilitate: Level 1
  • Languages: German, English

Christian Muecke is a registered Level1 facilitator of 16 Guidelines. He is based in Vienna, Austria and normally delivers workshops in German (English possible).

From Christian

I have been studying Tibetan Buddhism for more than a decade, via several FPMT programs.  Regarding FDCW, I really like the approach to use simple, scientific language, without any religious connotation, and to focus on interactive and experiencing methods. I am offering secular courses jointly with my wife, a trauma therapist. We both have a background of various trainings on mindfulness and self-compassion (for example MBSR / Mindfulness based Stress Reduction; and MSC / Mindful Self-Compassion). I am experiencing the work with groups as a great opportunity to learn jointly

  • how we can explore and develop our mind
  • how we can meet our own struggles and others with kindness and compassion
  • how to encounter and connect while exchanging what matters in our lives.