Craig Mackie

  • Country of residence: Canada
  • Speciality: Health and Social Care, Leadership, Community, Education
  • Accredited to facilitate: Level 1, Level 2
  • Languages: English, French

Craig has been practicing mindfulness since 1998 as a national team biathlete and since 2004 as a formal contemplative practice. Certified as a Mindfulness For Symptom Management (M4) instructor, Transformative Mindfulness instructor and international 16 Guidelines Trainer, he has worked in the field of mental health, wilderness therapy, addictions, homelessness, experiential education and therapeutic recreation. Craig is an accredited Level 1, 2 and 3 training facilitator and delivers workshops in English.

To watch Craig’s session at the Big Love Festival in November 2020, visit the festival main page.

From Craig

I have facilitated retreats and trainings for the Ottawa Mindfulness Network, the Centre for Compassion and Wisdom (Burlington, ON) and the Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom (United Kingdom) in several countries for different types of organisations including correctional institutions, not-for-profits, school boards, high schools, hospitals, addictions treatment centers, social service agencies, and Buddhist centers.

I have published a manual through the Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom for teaching the 16 Guidelines with youth that is being used in over 10 different countries. I am currently an instructor at the University of Toronto in the Applied Mindfulness Meditation Certificate Program and have a consultancy and psychotherapy private practice in Ottawa called Essential Change.

I am a clinical associate at the Ottawa Mindfulness Clinic and the Odawa Native Friendship Centre. My main interest is to bring about social and cultural change through the 16 Guidelines. I have facilitated workshops for school boards, teachers, social workers, the not-for-profit sector and health sector.