Sunday Morning Meditations for a more Peaceful Life Organized by Maitreya Institute


Join Ven Gonpo on Sunday mornings for an hour to pause, center, and restore to a happier and more peaceful mind to support you in being a bit more resilient in a world which can present many challenges. These guided meditations are to help you calm your mind, explore your own nature and develop a more peaceful perception on life. When you are well with yourself, you will be more able to be well with others and the world.


Sunday Morning Meditations for a more Peaceful Life Organized by Maitreya Institute


Join Ven Gonpo on Sunday mornings for an hour to pause, center, and restore to a happier and more peaceful mind to support you in being a bit more resilient in a world which can present many challenges. These guided meditations are to help you calm your mind, explore your own nature and develop a more peaceful perception on life. When you are well with yourself, you will be more able to be well with others and the world.


Sunday Morning Meditations for a more Peaceful Life Organized by Maitreya Institute


Join Ven Gonpo on Sunday mornings for an hour to pause, center, and restore to a happier and more peaceful mind to support you in being a bit more resilient in a world which can present many challenges. These guided meditations are to help you calm your mind, explore your own nature and develop a more peaceful perception on life. When you are well with yourself, you will be more able to be well with others and the world.


Compassion et Autocompassion – 2 day Retreat with Hilary McMichael

Vajra Yogini les clauzades, Marzens, tarn, France

Rejoignez Hilary dans cette exploration créative et joyeuse de la compassion et de nouvelles façons d'être grâce à la pleine conscience. Une merveilleuse façon de passer le premier week-end de décembre et de se préparer aux fêtes de fin d'année !


Sunday Morning Meditations for a more Peaceful Life Organized by Maitreya Institute


Join Ven Gonpo on Sunday mornings for an hour to pause, center, and restore to a happier and more peaceful mind to support you in being a bit more resilient in a world which can present many challenges. These guided meditations are to help you calm your mind, explore your own nature and develop a more peaceful perception on life. When you are well with yourself, you will be more able to be well with others and the world.
