Sunday Morning Meditations for a more Peaceful Life Organized by Maitreya Institute


Join Ven Gonpo on Sunday mornings for an hour to pause, center, and restore to a happier and more peaceful mind to support you in being a bit more resilient in a world which can present many challenges. These guided meditations are to help you calm your mind, explore your own nature and develop a more peaceful perception on life. When you are well with yourself, you will be more able to be well with others and the world.


Sunday Morning Meditations for a more Peaceful Life Organized by Maitreya Institute


Join Ven Gonpo on Sunday mornings for an hour to pause, center, and restore to a happier and more peaceful mind to support you in being a bit more resilient in a world which can present many challenges. These guided meditations are to help you calm your mind, explore your own nature and develop a more peaceful perception on life. When you are well with yourself, you will be more able to be well with others and the world.


Sunday Morning Meditations for a more Peaceful Life Organized by Maitreya Institute


Join Ven Gonpo on Sunday mornings for an hour to pause, center, and restore to a happier and more peaceful mind to support you in being a bit more resilient in a world which can present many challenges. These guided meditations are to help you calm your mind, explore your own nature and develop a more peaceful perception on life. When you are well with yourself, you will be more able to be well with others and the world.


Sunday Morning Meditations for a more Peaceful Life Organized by Maitreya Institute


Join Ven Gonpo on Sunday mornings for an hour to pause, center, and restore to a happier and more peaceful mind to support you in being a bit more resilient in a world which can present many challenges. These guided meditations are to help you calm your mind, explore your own nature and develop a more peaceful perception on life. When you are well with yourself, you will be more able to be well with others and the world.


16 Attitudes Pour Mieux Vivre Niveau 2-Cultiver sa force intérieure| en français

Vajra Yogini les clauzades, Marzens, tarn, France

Après le niveau 1, ce cours d’approfondissement vous permet de mieux comprendre votre propre part d’ombre. 
Dans ce cours d’approfondissement, nous mettons en lumière le “côté ombre” des 16 Attitudes. En reconnaissant et en accueillant ces parts d’ombre présentes en chacun de nous, nous amorçons un processus de guérison qui nous permet de retrouver notre intégrité et de transformer les énergies néfastes en forces positives.


Sunday Morning Meditations for a more Peaceful Life Organized by Maitreya Institute


Join Ven Gonpo on Sunday mornings for an hour to pause, center, and restore to a happier and more peaceful mind to support you in being a bit more resilient in a world which can present many challenges. These guided meditations are to help you calm your mind, explore your own nature and develop a more peaceful perception on life. When you are well with yourself, you will be more able to be well with others and the world.


Sunday Morning Meditations for a more Peaceful Life Organized by Maitreya Institute


Join Ven Gonpo on Sunday mornings for an hour to pause, center, and restore to a happier and more peaceful mind to support you in being a bit more resilient in a world which can present many challenges. These guided meditations are to help you calm your mind, explore your own nature and develop a more peaceful perception on life. When you are well with yourself, you will be more able to be well with others and the world.


Exploring Death and Finding Life – a Residential retreat with with Bruno Rizzi

Nagarjuna Alicante Calle Ruperto Chapí, 9, El Campello, Alicante, Spain

Join Bruno Rizzi in this transformative residential retreat to explore death not as an end, but as an opportunity to embrace life with greater clarity, compassion, and meaning. Whether you seek personal growth or professional insight, this journey will leave you more prepared to meet life’s transitions with openness and peace.


Sunday Morning Meditations for a more Peaceful Life Organized by Maitreya Institute


Join Ven Gonpo on Sunday mornings for an hour to pause, center, and restore to a happier and more peaceful mind to support you in being a bit more resilient in a world which can present many challenges. These guided meditations are to help you calm your mind, explore your own nature and develop a more peaceful perception on life. When you are well with yourself, you will be more able to be well with others and the world.


1.2.3 Bonheur – Atelier Pleine Conscience Parents-Enfants | en français

Vajra Yogini les clauzades, Marzens, tarn, France

Cet atelier de deux jours offre aux familles un moment précieux de partage et d’échange, permettant à chacun – enfants comme adultes – de se connecter à soi-même et aux autres dans une ambiance conviviale et bienveillante.


Sunday Morning Meditations for a more Peaceful Life Organized by Maitreya Institute


Join Ven Gonpo on Sunday mornings for an hour to pause, center, and restore to a happier and more peaceful mind to support you in being a bit more resilient in a world which can present many challenges. These guided meditations are to help you calm your mind, explore your own nature and develop a more peaceful perception on life. When you are well with yourself, you will be more able to be well with others and the world.


Rencontre Retraite : La Pleine Conscience et la Compassion | en français

Vajra Yogini les clauzades, Marzens, tarn, France

Cet atelier résidentiel pour femmes est une expérience transformative de 4 jours dédiée à la compassion et à la pleine conscience. Le programme de TMM* ( Transformative Mindfulness Methods) sera pratiqué au quotidien ainsi que des séances de yoga doux, des méditations et des temps dans la nature pour explorer la quiétude
