16 Guidelines: The Basics launching in Mongolia!

Ianzhina Bartanova, Executive Director, of FPMT Mongolia talks about the exciting journey of the 16 Guidelines in Mongolia which has reached a new milestone – the launch of the Mongolian version of the book “16 Guidelines: The Basics.
FDCW: Where did the inspiration to get the “16 Guidelines for Life: The Basics” book translated into Mongolian come from?
Ianzhina: The strong motivation arose after the Level 1 training conducted by Wendy Ridley at Ganden Do Ngag Shedrup Ling in April 2019. Initially we launched the 16 Guidelines in English program in September 2017. It was one of the first of its kind in Mongolia. We received positive responses from children and from participants who attended the training. The L1 workshop was particularly beneficial for two social workers from the high security prison. They were inspired by the program. A similar response was received from school teachers. Therefore, we decided that the book shall be translated into Mongolian.
FDCW: Please tell us a bit about when and how the interest in 16 Guidelines in Mongolia started. How did you first hear about the programme?
Ianzhina: The program was introduced many years ago around 2007 maybe by some FPMT students. However it wasn’t a well established program. Some materials and stories were translated, whilst some were adapted to suit the Mongolian reality. It was a blend tailored for underprivileged children to enhance their learning, education and life experience. One of our charitable projects, Lamp of the Path, initially implemented 16G.
FDCW: What has your personal 16G journey been like? Have the 16 Guidelines had any impact on your personal or professional life?
Ianzhina: I have completed L1 and L2 and am awaiting the L3 training. I would like to become a facilitator. 16G has helped me to improve the quality of my life. My work performance has been enhanced by regularly choosing a card and endeavouring to integrate that particular quality into my day.
FDCW: Do you already have any future projects in mind? How do you think the journey of the 16 Guidelines in Mongolia will continue?
Ianzhina: We would like to distribute books to a wide audience. In particular, in the high security prison where the inmates serve long term sentences. Social workers and the psychologist are keen to integrate the 16G into their rehabilitation programs. Also, we wish to spread 16G values at public schools by giving training to teachers and distributing materials to them. We would like to acknowledge that in Mongolia, Telo Tulku Rinpoche is promoting HHDL’s SEE Learning that has much in common with the 16G program. We are thinking that we will need to find a niche where we can work comfortably, more likely in prisons where not many people are going.