16G Retreat Gathering Update
By Marian O’Dwyer
It is with much pleasure that we update you on the planning progress of the first 16 Guidelines Retreat Gathering, scheduled for August 24 to 28 this year. It will be hosted by Education Universelle France, the FDCW French national group.
Six 16G facilitators from five different countries are working together to envision and plan this event. Our main focus for the four days will be to share and experience the fruits of more than 10 years of international 16G development. We aim to provide an engaging programme of activities and workshops whilst allowing space for personal time and forging connections.
The 16G Retreat Gathering will be an opportunity for inner reflection, with times of silence and community activities when we can get to know each other and share our 16G experiences and learnings. There will be time for relaxation, creativity and fellowship and for gathering in our full group.
The three in-depth morning workshops will be facilitated by Ceci Buzon from Argentina, Hilary McMichael from France and Marian O’Dwyer from Spain. There will be a wide choice of 16G-focused afternoon workshops. Some presenters already confirmed are Shelley Urlando from Canada, Bruno Rizzi from Germany and Wendy Ridley from England. We will offer a wide range of workshops from 16G in Yoga to Introducing 16G into Prisons. We aim to provide translation to accommodate participants.
For more information about the three morning and the range of afternoon workshops and their presenters please visit the EUF website.
The venue for this event will be Institut Vajra Yogini – a beautiful and expansive retreat site outside the small town of Lavaur, near Toulouse, in the south of France. The warm IVY chateau welcome with delicious vegetarian food and cosy rooms will add to our community experience in a delightful way. Visit the IVY website.
Since the highly successful Universal Education Gathering organised by FDCW in 2011, people have been asking for another Gathering and perhaps you are wondering whether to attend. This Retreat Gathering will focus on one UE programme – the 16 Guidelines for a Happy Life. If you have previously attended a Level 1 workshop of the 16G programme and would enjoy spending time at the end of summer in a lovely location with a warm and spirited community of friendly people, we would be delighted to welcome you to the 16G Retreat Gathering.
With all best wishes,
Ale, Claudia, Hilary, Mabel, Marian and Wendy