Becoming Our Friend: A Message From Our Executive Director
Dear One,
As 2024 draws to a close I am feeling grateful. Our facilitators are successfully introducing FDCW programs into their communities; whether it’s by training facilitators on the island of La Reunion, inspiring yoga teachers in Mongolia to integrate 16 Guidelines into their yoga classes, teaching values and compassion to children in schools in India and Italy, energetically leading 16 Guideline courses remotely to students and school teachers in Russia, teaching 16G methods to volunteers at a Monastery in France or offering intensive 16G meditation days in Spain. 16G methods have been integrated with rehabilitation programs for ex-prisoners and a translation of the 16G book in Russian is underway.
The initiative, perseverance and creativity of all our facilitators are constantly inspiring.
Other highlights were the successful launch of our new website with visitors increasing by 277% from last year, the completion of our popular 16 Guidelines-themed monthly articles drawing new audiences eager to download our resources for happiness with more than 1,000 downloads since the new website launched in summer from visitors in over 200 countries!
We created and piloted a series of meditations on values inspired by the 16G. Initial feedback is very promising and we look forward to the global launch in spring 2025.
Our partners in Israel, Dreamers Home, continue offering the 16 Guidelines in hospitals, schools and in the community – carefully building a network for peace in an area of such terrible conflict. Their founder told me; “I actually keep going because it’s the best antidote for these challenging circumstances.”
FDCW relies on a very small handful of kind benefactors to support our work. We need to expand that number so that we can continue this work with a strong financial foundation and an eye to the future.
We invite you to become a Friend of FDCW by making a small monthly contribution – even as little as £5 per month will make a big difference. For more details on what becoming a Friend involves and the benefits you can enjoy please click the button below.
As we light beacons of hope around the world, we ask you to join us. Now more than ever this work is needed. As His Holiness reminds us the only hope for our survival is developing compassion. Please take a moment to consider becoming a Friend of FDCW and join this movement for peace.
Big love,
Executive Director, FDCW