About the Sessions
Join Nicolas Balthazar for a series of 16 Meditations based on the 16 Guidelines for Life, an ethics and resilience program to build inner strength organized by Tushita Meditation Centre in Delhi.
This series is structured into 16 weekly 1 hour online sessions, on Tuesdays and is offered in person and online.
Every session starts with a stabilising meditation which will quieten and settle the mind to bring us into a focused, still state. This helps us to become fully present for the session during which we will engage in an analytical meditation in order to examine a new topic every week, covering the 16 guidelines (humility, patience, contentment, delight, kindness, honesty, generosity, right speech, respect, forgiveness, gratitude, loyalty, aspiration, principles, service and courage).
Open to all, beginners and experienced students alike! You do not need any background in Buddhism to join. No registration required.
Why meditate?
When you control your mind with wisdom you create the space you need to discover peace and joy. Your life then becomes peaceful and joyful and somewhat protected from the ups and downs of the external world. For beginner to advanced meditators.
Nicolas Balthazar: Nico is a Buddhist student from Belgium who has been following the teachings of the Tibetan lamas since 2012 and completed various meditation retreats. Prior to that, he was the head of a web agency in Brussels. In 2014, deeply inspired by his meeting with Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Nico took a turn in his life with the decision to completely dedicate his time to the study and practice of the Buddha’s teachings. Nico has led several retreats and pilgrimages in India and has previously taught at Chökorling, the local FPMT centre in Toulouse, France. These days, Nico is very happily living in Delhi, studying at Tibet House and serving at Tushita.
How to Join
For more information please visit the Tushita Meditation Centre event calendar
This program is offered by donation. You can make an offering here.