Patrick’s story

Patrick Madden graduated with a Bachelor of Business Science (Hons) degree from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, in 2004. Although his studies confirmed his belief that he wanted nothing to do with marketing (he majored in marketing!), during this time he discovered a deep interest in the non-dual philosophy of Taoism and then – because of its practical method – in Buddhism.
In 2005, he began to meditate daily.
In 2008, Patrick volunteered at the Second Annual Conference on Happiness and its Causes, where he met Alison Murdoch and Rasmus Hougaard. Inspired by this experience, in 2009 he started working for FDCW as Communications Manager and became acquainted with The 16 Guidelines programme. Having participated in several 16 Guidelines workshops, he subsequently became an accredited 16 Guidelines facilitator.
In 2010, Patrick travelled to Copenhagen to become a Senior Trainer with The Potential Project. Returning to Cape Town, he followed his passion to facilitate the holistic flourishing of individuals and organisations and completed a year-long Diploma in Practitioner Coaching with the ICF-accredited Coaching Centre. Shortly after, Patrick founded a coaching and leadership development consultancy, Luminosity Consulting, and now works as a leadership coach, facilitator and mindfulness trainer.
What prompted you to become involved with Universal Education?
I became involved with Universal Education for Compassion and Wisdom in 2009, as I was motivated by the desire to have my work make a meaningful contribution to the world.
What is the most important outcome for you personally?
My involvement with FDCW occurred early in my journey. The most important outcome was the nourishment and development of my nascent interest in personal and spiritual growth, my ability to think coherently about those things and to facilitate them in others. The relationships I formed through FDCW have been critical to those outcomes: the loyalty, generosity and goodwill of the people in the FDCW community are a blessing for which I’m tremendously grateful.
How are you planning to apply what you have learnt from Universal Education in your life, work or community?
The 16 Guidelines framework continues to be a powerful tool which I introduce to groups and individuals in my coaching and facilitation. And I apply The Potential Project’s mindfulness teachings every morning!
I currently work with Shambhala South Africa, serving on the council and occasionally teaching or facilitating. The open ethos of the organisation allows me to use Universal Education tools and teachings with our local community, which is invaluable for participants as well as for the ‘cross-pollination’ of wisdom teachings between like-minded communities.