Meet the Facilitator – Ceci Buzon

Ceci lives in Argentina and is a neuro-educator. She works as a teacher and consultant. Ceci is accredited as a 16 Guidelines Level 1 facilitator and delivers workshops across South and Central America. She delivers workshops in Spanish and English.
Ceci explains what it means for her to be part of the UE community:-
“Being a member of the FDCW community has given me the opportunity of experiencing positive and long-lasting improvements both at a personal as well as at a professional level. Feeling welcome and appreciated.”
What first got you interested in Universal Education (UE)?
“I fell in love with UE when I realized the students in my classroom could benefit so much from learning and practising them. Since then, the 16G have been an essential part of our curricula.”
How has UE impacted your life and others?
“UE has changed my life, not only at a professional level but, most importantly, as a human being. The 16G have helped me know myself deeper and understand everyday situations from a different perspective. Now I feel I have valuable resources to face daily challenges and aim for something greater. ”
Are you involved in any UE project at this current moment or into the future?
“Right now, I am involved in developing a program based on 16G to be used with children and teenagers as well as organizing a 16G level 1 to be delivered in Mongolia for teachers.