Our Policies

Confidentiality Policy

FDCW is committed at every level, and in all aspects of the service it offers, to providing confidentiality for all connected to the organisation, including employees, contractors, volunteers and stakeholders (for the purposes of this document known as ‘FDCW network’).

Confidentiality is between the individual and the organisation not between the individual and other members of the FDCW network. A confidentiality agreement is included as part of the contract employees or contractors sign at the beginning of their tenure with FDCW.


All information will be treated in confidence and will not be divulged to anyone outside FDCW. 
Personal information will not be passed to another agency without the consent of the employee, volunteer, facilitator or stakeholder. In certain circumstances FDCW reserves the right to break confidentiality should this be approved by the Executive Director (ED) or Chair of the Board. These circumstances include:

  • if a person discloses information that may indicate risk to themselves, others or FDCW
  • if a person indicates that a crime has been committed

Confidentiality of Information and Case Studies for Training Purposes

Examples may be used for training purposes and any confidential details will be de-identified.

Confidentiality of Correspondence and Data

  • FDCW’s records management processes will incorporate procedures for designating information confidential. FDCW will place restrictions on the information it holds when the information: is commercial in confidence; concerns the privacy of its employees, contractors, volunteers, or stakeholders; or requires protection to safeguard the intellectual property of FDCW.
  • Employees or contractors dealing with restricted material will be instructed in the recognition of the material in those headings. Any information on which restrictions have been placed will be clearly identified
  • A person’s information within a database can only be shared within the scope of the permission granted when that data was collected