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Our Policies
Grievance Procedures
With an awareness of equanimity, compassion and an understanding of cause and effect, the following steps should be taken if a dispute or grievance arises whilst involved with FDCW.
Step One: Dealing with Grievances Informally
If a grievance arises, as soon as possible, start by talking directly with the person concerned. You may be able to agree to a solution informally between you, or with the help of a colleague. If you feel unable to communicate directly with the person concerned, or have tried this and failed to solve the problem, the next step is to talk to the Executive Director (ED) and make a verbal complaint. Ideally this should be within one month of the initial problem. If the grievance is regarding the ED see Step Two.
Step Two: Formal Grievance
If you wish to raise the matter formally please set out the grievance in writing to the ED with documentation and information which sticks to the facts and avoids language that is insulting or abusive.
If your grievance is against the ED and you feel unable to approach her you should talk to one of FDCW’s Designated Safeguarding Persons (DSP) or a Trustee and submit your written grievance to them.
Step Three: Grievance Hearing
The ED or DSP will call you to a meeting, normally within 5 days, to discuss the grievance. You have the right to be accompanied by a colleague or friend at this meeting.
The ED or DSP will meet with each person involved in the dispute separately at first. This gives each party a chance to “air” the grievance, and speak openly and frankly about the issue.
If the ED or DSP feels it is helpful, they can choose to arrange a meeting with the disputants and a trained mediator, to try to reach a resolution.
After the meeting the ED or DSP will give you a decision in writing, normally within 4 days.
Step Four: Appeal
If you are unhappy with the ED’s or DSP’s decision and wish to appeal you should inform the ED or DSP.
You will be invited to an appeal meeting, normally within 5 days, and your appeal will be heard by an FDCW Trustee – either in person or virtually. You have the right to be accompanied by a colleague or friend at this meeting.
After the meeting the Trustee will give you a decision, normally within 4 days. That decision is final.
If the issue affects the larger FDCW community, the issue should be brought (via the ED or DSP) before the full FDCW Board, and a mediation process using trained professionals is recommended. If the ED is one of the disputants, the issue should be brought directly to the Board.