16 Guidelines makes an impact in Mexico

Facilitator and recent member of our Senior Faculty Team Martha shares her experience of leading a 16G course in Mexico in October 2019. In this report she has summarised the feedback some of the participants shared after an enriching weekend exploring Universal Education.
Tell us what happened?
It was a 16A course in “Comunidad Educativa La Tierra”, in Aguascalientes, Mexico. It is a school that has kinder garden and primary school. The workshop was organized by the principal. As they have been working with the 16G, they needed their new teachers to take the workshop, so they could understand the philosophy of the school. And they can work with the 16G. They also invited some parents who were very enthusiastic and actively participated. During the workshop, there was a very friendly and nice atmosphere.
Who was involved?
There were 10 people who took the workshop. 5 teachers (all women) and 5 parents (4 mothers and 1 father). Laura, the Principal participated in the workshop for the 3rd time. She thinks that the 16G are great tools for the kids´ education.
Which were your expectations?
That it was a very good workshop that would leave me a lot of positive things, for me and my work. To get tools that helped me to have a better relation with my daughter and my environment. Knowledge. The best. A way in my life. That I would feel comfortable and I would like it. To get tools for everyday life. Knowledge. Trying to be a better person in all ways. To understand all the inner work that I must do.
Did you experience anything unexpected?
Many feelings were moved. Open to my feelings. To discover things in me that I hadn´t thought about. Yes, wide knowledge of the 16G. Everything was inspected. Confidence, friendship, understanding. To move deep things. Yes, work with oneself. I realized that everybody has different perspectives and we must respect.
Three words best describe overall 16G L1 experience
Satisfied, happy renewed. Motivating, reflexive, confidence. Motivated, conscience, Grateful. Inner knowledge, engagement, motivation. Satisfaction, strength, self-caring, change, courage. Satisfactory, reflexive, complete. Interesting, creative, enriching. Satisfaction, achievement, happiness. Motivation, gratitude, constancy. Hope, constancy, peace.
The most useful
The cards. The cards and videos. Reframing, meditation. 16 cards. All. Team work and the cards. The cards. 16 Mindfulness, use of the cards, analyze situations. Guidelines cards. The cards.
The least useful
None. None. Everything was useful. None. All are fruitful. Mindfulness walking. None. None. None. As I am not very good for virtual matters, the APP.
Specific feedback for facilitator
Congratulations because she was a very good guide in this course and she has a very nice human treatment. Thank you for creating an atmosphere of confidence. Blessings. Thank you very much for being. Thank you having appeared in my life. Congratulations. Thank you, I needed more time. Congratulations! I liked everything, she transmits peace, joy, patience, listening. Thank you! Congratulate her.
Where will you apply what you have learnt?
At work and in my house, and in everyday activities. Thinking before doing or speaking, in difficult situations. Being constant using the 16 Guidelines. In all challenging situations. With my family, in everyday life. In everyday life, with my family, work and everyday life. As a person, in my family, kids, children, pupils. Practicing patience with my children, and respecting others´ points of view and way of living. In my everyday life, my job, my friends.
My opinion after facilitating the workshop
I was interesting that being a relatively small group, the participants were very enthusiastic and participated a lot. I think that the fact that they were teachers and parents, gave richness to the group. As the group was very nice, the sessions were fluid and harmonious. There was a confidence atmosphere, like being among friends. I am sure that this was because either the teachers or the parents had a common goal: The 16G as tools for their kids for developing strong values, that let them face the challenges of this complex world.
Heart-mind meditation is one of the tools used to explore the guidelines.