The 16G Facilitator Training Pathway – A journey by Gillian Watt
From the very first session, I saw how 16 Guidelines could be integrated, not only into my personal life, but also my professional life, w…
From the very first session, I saw how 16 Guidelines could be integrated, not only into my personal life, but also my professional life, w…
Charlotte Elliot who lives in UK and is a Trustee at the Land of Joy in Northumberland. She is a FDCW Facilitator and FSS trainer for FPMT…
Our Marketing and Communications Manager Zoe participated in the first ‘Building Inner Strength’ 16 Guid…
On August 21 2019, two of our UK based facilitators, Kitty D'Costa and Karl Grey, led a 2 hour taster sessio…
Read about a skilful relationships 16 Guidelines inspired course. By Lynne Knight.