Building Balanced Empathy Forum

On 24 July 2019, we offered an online “live” Forum introducing our new course ‘Building Balanced Empathy’. 33 people tuned in from all over the world (ain’t technology grand!) to explore empathy, vulnerability and emotional resilience. The Forum helped participants understand the structure and content of Building Balanced Empathy and how you can learn to facilitate this new course. To give a taste of the course, Marian O’Dwyer guided participants through a heart/mind reflection on empathy.
Denise Flora is familiar with the BBE course content from attending an earlier a.r.t. of Fulfilment course in California. She shared:-
“I found the balanced empathy see-saw exercise a very useful, enlightening, and memorable piece of the training. I still think about in daily life. It reminds me of distinguishing between our personal distress and our desire to help, then turning our attention consciously to the latter. After getting to listen to the full audio of the Forum, and especially seeing the outline, I am convinced this will be a very useful course.”
Denise is now registered to learn how to facilitate BBE. More than 20 people are now registered to attend the online Facilitator Introduction to BBE taking place on 31st August and 1st September.
Huge thanks to the tireless Marian O’Dwyer and Wendy Ridley for leading the Forum, developing the BBE online training and accreditation pathway as well as mapping out future courses like this. This course is just the beginning of many. We’d also like to thank Shelley Urlando for her expertise in handling the technical logistics of the Forum and all the participants for taking the time out of their busy schedules to join and share.